May 28, 2008



I am very excited to be here, because since this is my inaugural post in thebasilbandblog (teh bbb!), I thought it would be swell to spam your eyes with pictures of possibly the most goodlooking and goodsounding people in town.

Or so I'd like to think.

The band from miss drummer's point of view.

Miss drummer, completely unaware of the objectifying lens.

Hi everyone. This is Susanna Khoo, our very beautiful drummer who, um, wishes not to be crossed.

Basil and Julian, with their very curvaceous instruments. Julian plays the cello, and occasionally the bass.

More Basil, Julian and curvaceous instruments. I love this photo, because I took it. Don't mock me okay.

"You hold her like this and she'll sound better."

Basil giving Jul some suggestions on a chord progression on the bass. What, my caption is suggestive? What you thinking la?

One of the many things I like about our bands is our mutual fascination over each other's instruments. When we get bored, we naturally wander around the studio, and hog each other's instruments.

And that's when real music comes about.

Sus on keys (she's pretty awesome at it too) and Jul on another curvaceous instrument.

Basil makin a lot of uncoordinated coordinated noise.

Let me tell you one more thing about the band.

While we're all masters of our own instruments, everyone has a secondary thing that he/she can contribute to the band. Basil writes our songs, sings and guitars; Sus guitars, keys and drums; Julian cells, er, plays the cello, the bass, and the guitar.

See, everyone can multitask. Except me.

So there I was, determined to give in to peer pressure and try to fit in.

Me trying my hand at one of the most beautiful instruments in the whole wide world. The sound I produced was akin to that of a cow trying to give birth on a hot summer's day under the blazing sun.

Result of attempt: fail.

Lesson to be learnt: when it comes to stringy and curvaceously bodied instruments, leave the music-making to the experts. ;)
